5 Ways To Make Money On Your Blog

Blogging Tips in 2021

You’ve probably heard a lot of testimonies out there on how people are making money blogging and you are skeptical whether it’s true or not. When I wanted to start internet business I make a lot of researched on how to make money online and one thing that interest me is how to make money blogging. Sounds great right?

Yes, I read a blog post on Yaro Starak blog and I downloaded his book “Blog profits” Yaro is someone that I respects so much when it’s comes to making money blogging, maybe because of his information I read that gave me more information on how to make money blogging or because he has been making thousands of dollars every month before I started my blogging carrier I don’t know, I just knew that I always like to read information from this guy.

Initially, I found it difficult to believe that is possible to make money while sharing the information I love to people but I later learnt that if I help people find Gold for free today they will help me get diamond tomorrow. Yes! People are looking for information that I have and I don’t have option than to give them and in future I will collect it back with money.

Before I will dive into these different methods of make money blogging, I want you to know that is not easy, if it’s easy everybody will succeed through it but to tell you the truth, nothing is easy in life and I can proudly say that making money blogging is the easiest thing in life. Is not easy if all you are looking for is money and you don’t want to give out. 

Before you can start to make money blogging you will need some amount of website traffic on your blog, no matter what you are promoting on your blog. You can’t just wake up today, open your blog today and see $1m in your bank account tomorrow. Is not possible!

It can take years, it can take you just 6months if you have SEO Strategies or if you have money to invest on it because your blog need some amount of traffics before its can make you a decent money. Anyone can do this but it will take a lot of time and effort.

But, today, am going to show you the best 5 Ways to make money Blogging. If you are a newbie you need to read this content very well and understand it and if you are experts, I believed this will also help you to include something on your blog instead of watching the traffics to go away.

You Need This First Before We Take Your Dive

Before you even think of blogging. You need to find your area of interest. Is very important because you will need to feed your audience every time and if your audience cannot get helpful information from you, they will find their way and look for someone else.

How to Make Money Blogging
Make Money Blogging

Another thing is to find your audience. I can even say you find your audience first, if you find your audience you will find your area of interest because you will be able to know what these people are doing, where they are spending most of their time. When I wanted to blog about health, I looked for people who are interested in this niche and this really helped me.

After finding all these information then, you can now graduate to the next level. By looking for the best domain name that fit your niche and the best hosting company and start blogging. You can choose Hostinger hosting because it’s very cheap and fast If you need help concerning that, you can comment your question bellow. Now, let’s get started.

These Are The 5 Ways To Make Money On Your Blog

Display Advert

You can make decent income by displaying ads on your blog. The good example is the banner ads at the side of my website is part of the display ads. This can make you a lot of money if your site has good traffic. Like Linda Ikeji blog, she is making millions of naira displaying ads on her site.

And the best ads network is Google Adsense. If your site can have enough traffic and you have Google Adsense account, you will make good income online with this process.  You can make money by pay per click on pay per set of visitors. If anybody click on the ads on your website, you will earn some cent of dollars depending on how targeted the traffic is.

You can find other companies that will pay you to display ads on your website. Just make sure you are working with the best company that will not go away with your money and that will not waste your time. It’s very important because you don’t want to wake up one day to withdraw your hardworking earning and notice that the company is nowhere to be found.

Sponsored Posts

Millions of companies are out there looking for bloggers who have enough traffics to promote their products on the blog using sponsored post. They want you to write a review about their products or services or mentioning their products and publish it on your blog to gain more traffic. Someone of these companies may even want you to link back to their website.  But you must have enough readers before they can approach you. Thousands of companies are making used of Linda blog because she has enough traffic.

Make Money Blogging in 2021

Another good thing is, Companies can even approach you to display ads on your website. This is the best because you are working directly with the company not a third party like Google. The company will pay you directly to your bank account not that you will be hoping to get paid by Google one day. But all these require a lot of effort and time.

Product Sales

This is one of the hot ways to make money blogging. If you have information to give to people you can blog on it. Many internet marketers are doing this today. They will build their audience, get their email and after sometime promote their information products to their list. If you have good products to give to people and you know that it’s worth been paying for, why not start selling it and make some money?

I heard a story of a young 21years old Nigerian guy who was selling information about diabetes. He was able to sell 120 copies in the first month he launched the products but he has been building his list for more than 6months before he launched the products which means he has been giving useful information to people before he monetize his blog.

Selling information can make you decent income online if you know the right way to do it because it has worked for me many time especially when I created my second information on Fiverr. Is a video course on How to make decent income on fiverr. So, if you have an idea of what to sell and know the right way to sell it, go and read a post on my website on Fiverr.

Promoting Affiliate Products

If you follow my blog very well you will notice that have wrote many information on affiliate. Yes, 95% of my mentors are into affiliate and I always love to read from them because reading from them has helped me a lot. You can promote other people’s products if you don’t have your own products and start making some decent commission.

The best Affiliate program that I will advice you to go for is to promote digital products because you will be able to sell to people all over the world. Digital products may be inform of e-book, downloadable videos, software etc. And the best Affiliate Company to choose for international product is clickbank, JVZoo and click2sell while you can choose Expertnaire Affiliate if you are in Nigeria and have Nigeria audience. You can read my article on the best way to promote affiliate products here

The guy I mentioned above was making over $50k per month promoting clickbank products before I knew what internet business is. I have good examples of people who are making a lot of money promoting clickbank products like Adam Short the owner of Niche Profits, Mark Ling, Yaro and many more.

Freelancing Services

This is the last in the list. If you don’t know that you can make money with this service, you have to know today. You can help people create good content for their website. If you are good at wordpress, you can offer to design few pages of wordpress site and make money through it.

There are hundreds of companies out there that need content for their website but they can’t find you if you are not presence online. If they find good information about you and they notice that you provide good services. They will surely contact you.

If you want to get clients fast I will advice you go to freelancing sites and launch your project. This will help you to get good customer’s and they will keep on patronizing you. The best one to look for is Fiverr and People per hour. If you want to know how to land your first client on any of this site you can comment bellow or you contact me, or check my post on how to make money on Fiverr

I was reading on a website one day and I clicked on call to action that takes me to fiverr gigs. This lady has sold over 20k gigs on this same gig and I believed she is getting a lot of client from her website. People were able to find her with her useful information.  You can start your own today and you will have a story to tell tomorrow.

How to start Freelancing


All these cannot work without hardwork and passion. You need to have interest in what you are blogging about as this will help you to write wonderful content that will go viral. And I will also advice you to research and know what is going on in your niche before you start your content as this will help you to lay down the main point on your content.

I believed you have learnt something? You can make use of the comment box bellow if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer your question. And if you are an expert, you can include what you think can make money blogging and let other people learn from your experience.

Note: Comment are No1 proof that make me know that you enjoy and appreciate my content, please drop your comment  bellow and I will be happy to make the reply friendly. 

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